Labels:audio cd | book | clock | person | plaything | poster | potted plant | rock | sculpture | table | tree OCR: Photo: James H. Barker Explore the complexity of the Yup'ik masks through the Agayuliyararput Our Way of Making Prayer)" exhibit and the Yup'ik stories, songs, dances, and lifeways these masks represent Through audio video images and interactive technology experience the richness and vibrance of the largest exhibit of ancient Yup'ik masks collected anywhere the world, hear the profound voices of Yup'ik elders responding to the masks interact with modern Yup'ik artist Chuna Mcintyre and access related educational materials developed to accompany the exhibit and this program and constructed by teachers and students on the World Wide Web Building upon the power of the Agayuliyararput (Our Way of Making Prayer) exhibit, curated by Ann Fienup -Riordan with translations by Marie Meade and the te ...